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Getting there

H-9024 Győr, Mónus Illés str. 19. and Nagy Imre str. 35.
GPS coordinates: N 47,6719°; E 017,6423°
You can get here by public transport, the bus number 22. You can find the photolab from the street Mónus Illés, and the computer store from the street Nagy Imre, from this side you can cross the gate and there is free parking inside for our customers.
H-1149 Budapest, Egressy str. 5.
GPS coordinates: N 47,5060°; E 019,1039°
By public transport the best to get off at the station Egressy of the tram number 1. Then turn to the center and go ahead on the Egressy street 50 meters till the corner of the Szobránc street. Or you can arrive by bus number 77 and get off the station Hungária boulevard and start in the center direction you will reach our shop. Comming by car you can stop front of the shop. There is a free ballast parking place.

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