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Brother repair center and warranty service

Availability: 1149 Budapest, Egressy út. 5 . Telephone: +36 061 221 6779 E-mail: [email protected]

On the site of Budapest the Digitáltechnika Kft is from 1996 the official brand service of Brother. We undertake with wide range of experience, and short deadlines the repair of Brother label printers and other office devices in the guaraty period, and after the period.

Towards using a Brother device satisfied for a long time, it is necessary to keep the regulations in connection with the handling of the device, which are detailed in the User Manual.

Conditions of Warranty Repair

Our service makes warranty repair only against current filled in, and with date and manufacturing number, and with the seller's seal attended warranty letter. In case the warranty letter is not available (damaged, lost), the introduction of the invoice (which proves the buying of the device) is needed.

We undertake the repair of a device under 10 kg only in our service. In the service is needed the disabled printers without empties(Wrapping), but with properties (Toner, cartridge) to be brought in, with marking of the exact error. Errors because of not using original properties doesn't belong to the effect of warranty.

Error of devices above 10 kg should be reported on the telephone, and we agree the location of the repair, or the way how to transport it to the service, according to the type of the error.

By the statutory order 49/2003 the 15 days taking repairing time is only a standard, in special cases it can takes longer (For example:service is waiting for an accessory).

The detailed conditions of warranty repair is in the warrant letter.

Repair after warranty

We undertake the repair of devices after warranty. The device should be brought in the service and we make an offer to the client.

Standard repair conditions

The repair happens chiefly in the service, or by extra agreement, at a charge of travel fee at the domicile of the procurer.

The service makes an offer for the repair of the disabled device, which is for 15 days valid. The beginning of the repair can happen only after the oral or written confirmation of the client. The service may ask for an advance or for the paying forward the fee and the material cost.

Every applied component is new or the same value of the new one. In lack of other agreement the changed accesories belonging to the ownership of the service. The service takes on 6 Months warranty for the manufacturing and material failures of the applied and built-in  accesories. The warranty doesn't extend to the repair and maintain service, and the errors caused by the repairs/works made unauthorized by the client, the sotware gives by the client or accesories or abusement. According to the printers for damages caused by using refilled (un original) properties (Toner, cartridge) the customer is responsible alone.

The client have to pay the incurred costs, travel expense and wage in that case too, if the error is irrecoverable, or the client desides to unclaim the service.

The service  makes by the worksheet the invoice of the repair with the value added tax amount. The Method of paying can be cash or creditcard, except when the parties other agreement have.

The service may ask for storage charges if the client more than 20 days after leaving information about the done repair doesn't take over. The charge can be 300 HUF/day. After 6 months delay the service is entitled to sell the device.

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