DIT Group's webpages for blinds and partially sighted

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Since 1993 our company was serving contracted partners only. That time we've opened our first computer store at Győr (Mónus Illés streest 19).

After the success of the store in Győr, we have opened another store at Budapest (Róna street 75.) in 1995. One year later the store has moved to the Egressy street, where you can find today.

In 1997 at the addrress of Győr, Nagy Imre street 35. we have opened a very modern, and quite big store specialized for information technology. Here we rare also wainting for the customers with wide range of products today.

Time by time we were searching for the oportunities to be the representative of a wellknown brand in our country. From our site at Budapest we were able to serv the dealers in a convenient and effective way. From our wholesale activities you can read more here .

Please look at the list of the products and brands we are selling, or browse and shop in our on-line store for your convenience.

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